ECAI 2027

To ECAI 2027 θα γίνει στην Αθήνα!

 Τα μέλη της ΕΕΤΝ  που συνεργάστηκαν για την διεκδίκηση της οργάνωσης του κορυφαίου συνεδρίου στον χώρο μας είναι οι Γ.Βούρος, Μ. Κουμπαράκης και Β. Καρκαλέτσης.

Αυτό που υποσχεθήκαμε είναι ένα ECAI 2027 με βασικό θέμα το “Human-centered AI”:

This ECAI edition shall focus on AI that focuses on human values and norms in safe and trustworthy manners, with respect to human-defined, human-oriented, contextual, and operational constraints. This theme also includes (a) collaborative AI in which agents collaborate actively with humans to achieve goals, with respect to human behaviour, preferences, and constraints, managing trade-offs between safety and optimality, (b) responsible and ethical AI, where systems abide with ethical concerns in a trustworthy and possible validated manner.

Παρακάτω η συνοδευτική επιστολή της ECAI 2027 “Human-centered AI” πρότασης:

Dear President and Members of the EurAI board, 

It is an immense pleasure and honor that the Hellenic Association of Artificial Intelligence, or the Hellenic A.I. Society (EETN), decides for the second time in its history to host the European A.I. Conference, and therefore we submit this bid, for ECAI 2027. It was indeed in 2008 that EETN hosted ECAI for the first time. It was just the period that the slope of the A.I. began its fast and ascending movement. Indeed, acting as president of EETN these years, the main message in the official opening was “It is a great time for A.I.”.  After nearly 15 years of A.I. history, this is more than true: “It’s an amazing time for A.I.”, and we believe that this will also be the case, with more exciting results, when the time for ECAI 2027 will come. This motivated Manolis, Koubarakis, Vangelis Karkaletsis and myself, under the auspices of the EETN board, to file this bid, as members of the organizing committee for the proposed ECAI 2027 at Athens. As we believe, it is an amazing time for A.I. but also a point at which A.I. needs to abide with human values and ethics concerns, meeting challenges regarding human-collaboration and responsibility in decision making, towards a human-centered A.I. We really hope that there will be a lot of work and achievements towards this until 2027. The challenges and opportunities are great: ECAI in its 2027 edition will be the most suitable forum to report on such results and ideas towards addressing these challenges. 

It is our greatest pleasure to welcome the European A.I. society in Athens, a lively and lovely city with a great history on human values and ethics. 

On behalf of the Organizing Committee 

Prof. George Vouros 
Organizing Committee ECAI 2027, 
President of the EETN board


Ο ελληνικός  επιστημονικός φορέας που έχει ως στόχο την ενίσχυση και προώθηση της έρευνας, της καινοτομίας και της εκπαίδευσης γύρω από την Τεχνητή Νοημοσύνη στην Ελλάδα.


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